
A list is a compound data type, it is mutable and can hold other values including itself.

Creating a list

Creating a list can be done like so:

[]; //empty
[1, "hi", true];
[[1,2,3]]; //nested


You can access a specific element by its index in a list. Lists are zero-indexed.

[1,2,3][0]; //1
[1,2,3][1]; //2
[1,2,3][2]; //3

let v = [1,2];
v[0] //1


Unlike strings, you can update the values of a list.

let v = [1,2,3];
v[0] = 2; //[2, 2, 3]

[5,5,5][0] = 6; //[6,5,5]


All the current methods of a list object.


Returns the item's count of the given list.

[1,2,3].length(); //3

append(item: any)

Adds a new item at the end of the given list.

[1,2,3].append(4); //[1,2,3,4]

remove(index: number: optional)

Removes the item at the given index from the given list when the index is provided, Otherwise it removes the last item.

[1,2,3].remove(2); //[1,2]
[1,2].remove(); //[1]

contains(item: any)

Returns true if the given item exists in the given list, Otherwise false.

[1,2,3].contains(1); //true

["wow", "no!"].contains("yes!");

index(index: number)

Returns the item at the given index if it exists in the given list, Otherwise false.

[1,2,3].index(0); //1

[1,2,3].index(4); //false


Removes all the items of the given list.

[1,2,3].clear(); //[]


Returns true if all the items of the list evaluate to true. Otherwise false.

[1,2,3].all(); //true

[1,2,false].all(); //false


Returns true if any item from the list evaluate to true. Otherwise false.

[1,2,3].any(); //true

[1,"",false].any(); //true

[false,false,false].any(); //false


Returns a reversed version of the given list.

[1,2,3].reverse(); //[3,2,1]

//[1, 2, "im first"]
["im first", 2, 1].reverse();


Returns an exact copy of the given list.

let v = [1,2,3];

let c = v.copy(); //[1,2,3]


// v: [1,2,3]
// c: [3,2,1]


Merges and flatten nested lists into a 1 giant list.

let v = [ [1,2,3],[4,5],6 ];

// [1,2,3,4,5,6]

slice(start: number, end: number)

Returns a copy of a portion of the given list specified by the start & end arguments.

let v = [1,2,3,4];

// [1, 2, 3]
v.slice(0, 2);

v.slice(0, -1);

repeat(callback: function)

Runs the passed callback on every element of the given list. The callback must take 1 argument.

let v = [1,2,3];

v.repeat(lambda (x) -> {
    // short for x = x + 1
    return x;

// [2,3,4]