
Contains common math operations.


All the current functions of the math module.

abs(number: number)

Returns the absolute value of the given number argument.

Math.abs(-1); //1

floor(number: number)

Rounds the given number down to the nearest integer.

Math.floor(2.5); //2

round(number: number)

Returns a 'rounded' number from the given specified number argument.

Math.round(2.75); //3

ceil(number: number)

Returns a ceiling value of the given number.

Math.ceil(1.5); //2

log(number: number)

Returns the natural logarithm of the given number.

Math.log(1); //0

exp(number: number)

Returns the exponential of the given number.


sqrt(number: number)

Returns the square root of the given number.

Math.sqrt(25); // 5

clamp(minimum: number, prefered: number, maximum: number)

Similarly to the CSS clamp function it returns a value between an upper and lower bound.

Math.clamp(1, 3.5, 2); //2
Math.clamp(1, 1.5, 2); //1.5

Trigonometric Functions

sin(number: number)

Returns the sine of the given number.

    Math.sin(45); //0.850903524534118

cos(number: number)

Returns the cosine of the given number.

    Math.cos(45); //0.52532198881773

tan(number: number)

Returns the tangent of the given number

    Math.tan(45); //1.61977519054386

asin(number: number)

Returns the arc sine of the given number. Otherwise a math domain error if failed.

    Math.asin(0.5); //0.523598775598299

acos(number: number)

Returns the arc cosine of the given number. Otherwise a math domain error if failed.

    Math.acos(0.5) //1.0471975511965979

atan(number: number)

Returns the arc tangent of the given number

    Math.atan(3); //1.24904577239825

min(numbers: list)

Returns the smallest number in the given list.

Math.min([1,2,6,4]); //1

max(numbers: list)

Returns the biggest number in the given list.

Math.max([0,22,9,4]); //22

gcd(number1: number, number2: number)

Returns the greatest common divisor of the first number argument and the second.

Math.gcd(1200, 320); //80

pow(number1: number, number2: number)

Returns the power of the given number arguments

Math.pow(5, 2); //25


All the current properties of the math module.

Eular's number

Represents the Eular's number.

Math.e //2.71828182845905

Value of PI

Represents the value of pi.

Math.pi //3.14159265358979