
Contains common operations for Os & System related functionality.


All the current functions of the Os module.

exit(code: number)

Directly exit the script with the given code argument.

Os.exit(0); //success

remove(path: string)

Deletes a file specified by the path argument. Returns 0 on success otherwise -1 on failure.

Os.remove("some/real/file.txt"); //0


Returns the home location of the user's system as a string.

Os.getHome(); //C:\Users\Someone


Returns the current working directory as a string. Otherwise -1 incase of failure.

// *Inserts current working directory*

setCwd(path: string)

Sets the current working directory to the path argument. Returns -1 incase of failure otherwise 0.

Os.setCwd("some/other/directory"); //0

mkdir(path: string, mode?: number )

Makes a directory specified by the path argument along a number argument that specifies the mode, by default it's 0777.
Returns 0 on success otherwise -1 on failure.

Os.mkdir("some/real/directory"); //0

rmdir(path: string)

Removes a directory. Returns 0 on success otherwise -1 on failure.

Os.rmdir("some/fake/directory.txt"); //-1

makeDirs(path: string)

Makes nested directories according to the path argument with the mode 0777.



All the current properties of the os module.

File permissions

Different properties to check for the different permissions of a file.

Os.F_OK // test for file existence
Os.X_OK // test for execution permission
Os.W_OK // test for write permission
Os.R_OK // test for read permission

Platform name

Returns a string representing the platform name that the script is running on.

Os.name; //Windows 32

Failure & Success codes

Represents 2 exit codes. One used to indicate program success and the other to indicate failure.