Operators & Symbols

This page features all the operators and symbols of Pa along with examples & snippets.

Basic Airthmetic

Normie arithmetic, used everywhere. Operand types must be numbers, except the + operator can be used for string concatenation as well.

//magik :)
1 + 2;
1430 - 320;
3 * 6;
9 / 2;

Bitwise Operations

Slightly advanced arithmetic, used for bit manipulation.

//what is this
25 | 5;
20 & 4;
600 >> 8;
210 << 1;
80 ^ 5;

Comparison & Equality

Unlike arithmetic operators who only work with number operands (except +). Comparison works for all types however there is no implicit conversion.

1 == 0;
540 != 540;

32 < 33;
1320 > 0xff;

1 <= 0;
1 >= 0.13;

1 == "1"; //always false.


The and, the or and the !. Works on any type.

!true //false

true and true; // true
true and false; // false

true or true //true
true or false //true
false or false //false


You can 'group' expressions using ( closed by ) after the expression. They are also used for calling if they are after an indentifier.

(1 + 2) * 2; // 6
1 + 2 * 2; // 5

( 1 + 2 * 2; //error.


Subscripting can be done using the [ closed by ] after a list value.


list[1 + 2];

list[]; //error
list[; //error


Blocks can be created using the { closed by }.

    let local = "wow!";

if 0 {
    print("i will get executed!");